Network Spinal Auckland

At Courageous Being, located on Auckland's North Shore, we practise Network Spinal (formerly known as NSA), a pioneering approach in chiropractic care. Dr Jan O'Neill specialises in this gentle technique, which focusses on spinal-neural flexibility and overall health enhancement through the nervous system.

Network Spinal is a very gentle but powerful technique that helps you learn how to release stress and tension from your spine and body yourself. This revolutionary form of chiropractic care facilitates profound life changes, not only the relief of physical symptoms. People under Network Spinal care also experience improvements in their spinal flexibility, ability to respond positively to stress and improved overall health and life enjoyment.

Network Spinal is suitable for people of all ages - newborns, athletes and elderly. It's never too early or too late to create a positive change.

What is Network Spinal?

Network Spinal (NS), formerly known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), is a unique chiropractic technique developed by Dr. Donald Epstein. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, Network Spinal emphasises gentle, precise touches to the spine, stimulating full spine breathing and a wave-like motion of the spinal muscles which promotes the release of stress, spinal alignment, improved self-regulation and healing. There is no manipulation (cracking) of the spine needed.

 This innovative approach enhances spinal health and optimises the functioning of the nervous system, positively influencing mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Network Spinal Analysis inspires us to trust the healing power within us.
— Dr Depaak Chopra, M.D.

The Benefits of Network Spinal

Network care is associated with profound life changes and significant improvement in self-reported wellness.*


  • reduced pain, improved spinal flexibility, more energy, less fatigue, fewer cold and flu symptoms, fewer headaches.


  • less distress about physical pain, more positive feelings about self, decreased moodiness, fewer angry outbursts, less depression and more interest in life, fewer concerns about "small" things, concentration increased, less anxiety.


  • improved overall health and general well-being, ability to cope with daily problems, family and significant relationships, work.


  • increased openness to guidance by inner feelings, increased relaxation and well-being, positive feelings about self, interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, feelings of openness when relating to others, compassion for others.


  • improvement in personal life self awareness, ability to adapt to change, handling problems in life, accomplishments in life, relationship with significant other, job satisfaction.

*Blanks, RH; Boone, WR; Schmidt, S; Dobson, M. 1996. Network Care: A retrospective outcomes assessment. Dobson, M; Boone, WR; Blanks, RH. (1996) Women and Alternative Health Care: A retrospective study of recipients of Network Care. 

Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of “body” work in our time; the leading edge of mind-body-spirit integration. This work will transform the planet.
— Candace Pert Ph.D. (Author of "Molecules of Emotion")